The “Nameless” LORD Syndrome – How did it Start?

Nimrod Opposed Jehovah God


Nimrod Opposed Jehovah God

It wasn’t very long after the Great Flood of Noah’s Day,
that mankind began a great Apostasy away from Jehovah God.
Nimrod was the Ring-Leader in this opposition.  The Bible
reveals that Jehovah God was NOT pleased with Nimrod or
his evil ways.

“…Nim´rod….He displayed himself
a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah….”
(Genesis 10:8,9)(NWT)

“…Nimrod….He was a mighty hunter
before Jehovah…”
(Genesis 10:8,9)(ASV)-BibleGateway

“Now it was Nimrod who excited them
to such an affront and contempt of God.”
-Josephus (c. 37 – c. 100 AD/CE),

“His name is Nimrod, It means ‘the rebel,’
and is evidently meant to designate the nature
of the man. He was the first specimen of giant
tyranny after the flood. His Defiance of Jehovah
was perpetrated in wickedness and ambition under
the very eye of Jehovah. Nimrod’s assumptions were
religious as well as political. Nimrod presented
himself not only for obedience but also for worship.
His awful greatness was of ambitious rebellion,  
apostasy and defiance of Jehovah. And as it was Babel
that was the beginning of his empire, so is ‘Babylon the great’
its consummation and close.”
by Horatius Bonar

“As the people increased in number,
the Way of Jehovah was corrupted
and a principal figure in those days was Nimrod,
the grandson of Ham described as a mighty hunter
before Jehovah. The word ‘before’ used in this
sense means, ‘totally antagonistic to Jehovah.’
We celebrate Christmas on a date which coincides
with the birthday of Nimrod – the villainous king
of ancient Babylon.”
-The Ensign Trust
VOLUME I No.2 – JUNE 1999
By Harry Lancaster

“Nimrod’s rebellion was to head a great confederacy
in open revolt against God. This confederacy is described
in Genesis eleven and that it was an organized revolt
against Jehovah God
is very clear. From this point
onward – Babylon in Scripture always stands for that
which is in opposition to God “
–Fundamental Baptist Institute
Gleanings In Genesis; chapter 16
Nimrod And The Tower Of Babel
by Author W. Pink

“Shinar is the land where Nimrod built his five cities,
of which Babylon was the capital. Babylon continued to be
the seat of pagan hate for Jehovah from Nimrod onward.”
– Prophecy–Babylon
The Woman in the Ephah
by Steve Van Nattan

“Nimrod, who began to prevail in wickedness,
for he shed innocent blood, and rebelled against Jehovah.”
–The Companion Bible
  E.W. Bullinger;(Appendix 28, pg. 29)

The Influence of Nimrod Continues

“The wine of old Babylon’s fornication was a debauching
system of idol worship and carnal self-exaltation, over
and against the revelations and institutes of Jehovah.
We find it (the teachings of Ancient Babylon) to this day
among all the nations of the earth, affecting and
controlling their thinking, their policies, their faith,
and their worship. Two-thirds of the population of the
earth – at this hour – are Pagan idolaters,
drivelling under the same old intoxication which came
forth from Nimrod and Babylon.”
Excerpt from ‘The Apocalypse’ by J. A. Seiss

“Virtually all pagan practices had their beginnings
in the city of Babylon during the time of Nimrod.
Ancient traditions show that he rebelled against God,
and in so doing, created a worldwide apostasy.”
–The Bible as History (p.331)
   by Werner Keller 
“The Garden of Eden was in Southern Iraq,
not far from where Nimrod, under Satan’s motivation,
built Babel, which was the beginning of Babylon.
The Babylonian spirit is invading the world.
Its influence is breathtaking…and spreading its idea
to the entire world. There is no other proper description
of Babel and the evil intent of this first expression of false religion.”
–Babylon: The Axis of Evil
by Joseph Chambers
“Later, the Roman Empire assimilated into its system
the gods and religions of the countries over which it
ruled. Since Babylon was the source of this paganism,
we can easily see how Rome’s early religion was a form
of Babylonish worship that had developed under different
forms and different names in the countries to which it
had gone.”
-Source –Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity
 By Roderick C. Meredith  

“Not only has the original Babylonian religious system
served as the source of all the world’s non-Christian religions,
hut it has also infiltrated and corrupted Christendom to an
alarming degree.”
–Babylon – Source of False Religion
“Babylon, Mystery Religion” by Ralph Woodrow

BAAL and NIMROD –  ( The same ? )

“Nimrod died, but the seed he sowed has lived
till this very day; and there are so many points
of similarity between him and Baal that it is
reasonable to suppose that the heathen god Baal
is no other than the Babylonian Nimrod.”
–BAAL; Babylon;
and The Second Coming of Christ
CHAPTER XXVI.  Taylor/Taylor
“The name of the Babylonian god “Bel” is only another
contraction of the word “Babel.”  Bel is mentioned
many times in connection with the history of Babylon
and it is folly to think that he is any other than Baal.
The monuments of ancient Babel testify that the founder
of Babel was worshipped as “Bilu Nipru,” or Bel Nimrod,
i.e., “the god of the chase.”  In course of time the
cognomen “Nimrod” was dropped, and he became known as
only “Bel.”  This makes it clear that Nimrod, Baal, and
Bel are all one and the same.”
–BAAL; Babylon;
and The Second Coming of Christ
CHAPTER XXVI.  Taylor/Taylor
“The practice of the Baal worshippers included
aberrant sexual behavior and religious rites of
sexual union in disobedience to the commandments
of Jehovah. They would sacrifice their sons with
fire for burnt offerings unto Baal. This would
explain why Elijah was so opposed to the prophets
of Baal and hated them so much.”
— The Latter Rain Page
   under article, “BAAL”
    by Jay Atkinson
“The word ba’al may denote any deity
other than the God of Israel (Jehovah).”
–Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary
  of Old and New Testament Words:

“The whole picture seems to indicate a slow change over
from the worship of Jehovah, derived originally from
Abraham and Isaac…to an exaltation of Baal. Just the
same drift would have taken place in Israel more than
once except for the strenuous opposition of the prophets.
The prophets brought about revivals in which the people
returned to the worship of Jehovah.”
–The Hyksos, Kings of Egypt and the land of Edom
CHAPTER VII – Religion and Date of the Edomite Empire
The Nabataens, Builders of Petra

Nameless “LORD” Worship
Started with  “BAAL” and Nimrod

“Lord refers to a lot of different deities.
Lord and baal are interchangeable in meaning.”
-Harper’s Bible Dictionary, (Miller)
“The children of Israel were inclined to forsake
the commandments of Jehovah and worship Baal,
make idols of him and kiss his image.
The name Baal means Lord.”
— The Latter Rain Page
   under article, “BAAL”
    by Jay Atkinson
“Baal is a Canaanite-Phoenician word
that means “LORD”. “
-Harper’s Bible Dictionary, (Miller)
“Baal signifies “the god – the lord”,
and was a term applied to the chief
of the primitive groups of nameless deities ….
the Baal of Heaven was the sun god..
There were as many Baals in Asia as there
were Horuses in Egypt.  Baal was a generic term
for “Lord” and encompassed many gods fashioned
after Nimrod.”
–Egyptian Myth and Legend;
Changes in Social and Religious Life
   Chapter XXIV;  p307

“Baal – Literal meaning: ‘lord’.
In Canaan – the name of many local dieties.”
–The Oxford University Press
Dictionary of World Mythology
by Arthur Cotterell 

“After their deaths, Nimrod and his wife Semiramis
(the ancient “queen of heaven”) were confirmed by
their priests as gods and given homage as Marduk
and Astarte. Numerous other gods were patterned and
fashioned after Nimrod and his mother.
BEL/BAAL – was the primary name by which other
nations were introduced to  the worship of Marduk. 
Baal means “lord” or “master”.  Under this name he
was worshiped by the Canaanites, Phoenicians,
Syrians and to some extent by the Egyptians.
BAAL worship is sometimes associated with
“Baal-zebub”, and is still known today as one
of the name or “epithets” of Satan.”
–Nimrod, Mars, and The Marduk Connecty
   by Bryce Self
The Outcome of Nimrod’s Rebellion
against Jehovah God –

Jehovah is Reduced into a Nameless LORD
Nimrod and Baal worship is alive and well today,
not only in paganism, but also in Apostate Christianity.
Jehovah’s Name was removed from the Bible and replaced
as a “Nameless” LORD.  

“‘Seek not a name for God – His Name is God.’
 In view of this statement,  the appearance and
persistence of ‘anonymous gods’
is one of the
most puzzling problems of religious history.”

–Anonymous Gods ; E. Bikerman

Journal of the Warburg Institute
, Vol. 1, No. 3
(Jan., 1938), pp. 187-196  doi:10.2307/750004

“The great prophet Jeremiah explained that
the objective of the false prophets  was to
cause people to forget the Name of Jehovah
(Jr 23:27), an attempt nevertheless dedicated
to be defeated (Ps 44:21); because God reserves
his Name for his servants (Is 52:6) and naturally
for those who appreciate it (Mal 3:16). ”
–Paradox of the anonymous name
The Divine Name of God; 
Gertoux; Hebrew Scholar

“They think they….will make my people forget
my name, just as their fathers forgot my name
through Baal worship.”
(Jeremiah 23:27)(NIV)-BibleGateway

” “Babylon” is a symbol of confusion.  The formation of
the Roman Catholic church and then the later appearance
of dozens of protestant “Daughter” churches has certainly
brought about a spiritual malaise of conflicting
denominations, doctrines, creeds and practices—all
supposedly “Christian.” Yet none of them corresponds
remotely to the Christianity that the original Apostles
and the early Church of God followed for decades after
the death of Jesus of Nazareth. They all have retained dozens
of pagans ideas, and practices, that would have
been utterly foreign to the early Church! Satan has
indeed done a masterful job of creating a counterfeit
-Source –Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity
 By Roderick C. Meredith
“…the personal name of God (Jehovah) should be used,
rather than having it hidden by such an epithet as ‘the Lord’. 
 –Yahweh – the God of Christian Theology;
The Name of God On the Way to the Postmodern:
Old Testament Essays  1967-1998, Volume 2;  pp. 498-507    
(JSOTSup, 292; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998)
“God’s Decree. “It’s because you forgot me
and embraced the Big Lie, that so-called god Baal. “
(Jeremiah 13:25)(MSG)-BibleGateway
“Abraham, who is the father of those that have faith,
took pleasure to proclaim the name, Jehovah, according
to Genesis 12:8, and initiated a respectable biblical
custom.  Furthermore, according to the prophet Joel,
it is even obligatory to proclaim this Name in order
to be saved during the great and formidable day of God
(Joel 2:32). According to Exodus 23:13, refusal
to pronounce a god’s name is a refusal to worship
the god in question, so to refuse to pronounce the
True God’s name means a refusal to worship him
(Jos 23:7).”
–Paradox of the anonymous name
The Divine Name of God;  Gertoux; Hebrew Scholar 

“it is impossible to have a deep relationship
with a nameless God.”
a Jewish scholar and famous talmudist 

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